Omid means hope in Dari.
We are dedicated to bringing hope from girls in the U.S. to girls in Afghanistan through friendship building and mathematics.
Support the Afghan Adjustment Act!
This act will provide a pathway to citizenship for Afghan refugees in the US.
Please show your support for this act through this petition:
Afghan Adjustment Act video featuring Jawad Zawulistani, an Afghan Fulbright Scholar, and Arash Azizzada, Co-Director of Afghans for a Better Tomorrow.
Who We Are
Our Mission
We are dedicated to bringing hope and friendship through teaching math/English to girls currently living in Afghanistan.
Who We Are
We are high school students passionate about empowering and educating females in Afghanistan.
Our partners include The Sisterhood of Culture and Language Learners and Afghan Youth Empowerment and Peace-building Organization.
Our Chapters
Our goal is to have high school chapters throughout the nation connecting U.S. high school students to girls in Afghanistan lacking access to education.
Event Highlights
2024 Math Night Event by LCHS chapter
Omid for Girls’ LCHS chapter hosted a math night event at Paradise Canyon Elementary to fundraise for the Afghan girls’ internet costs.
2023 Summer Math Day Event at Camp Mariposa
Omid for Girls hosted a math day event at Camp Mariposa to raise awareness of education inequality in Afghanistan.
“My math online classes with Sophie has been one of the best classes I have taken so far; her math skills and passion during teaching is extremely admirable. It’s very pleasing to know that she is trying to provide the same courses for more girls in Afghanistan.”
— Zainab, student from Afghanistan
Donate Now
Many Afghan girls are unable to join our lessons because they cannot afford internet costs. Please consider donating to provide data and tablets for these Afghan girls!